Press release
Bologna, 25/07/2023

Prosit Group closes its 2022 financial statements with 83 million in turnover driven by acquisitions and exports

  • Group exports increased by more than 100%, from €14.3 million to €50.5 million, due to a combination of organic growth and acquisitions.
  • Consolidated turnover of €83 million, up by more than €54 million compared to 2021, and EBITDA of 4.6% of turnover.
Bologna, 26 June 2023. Prosit Group ended the 2022 financial year with a consolidated turnover of €83 million, while the EBITDA, which was adversely affected by sharp increases in the cost of energy and packaging, stood at around €4 million or 4.6% of turnover.

These figures are the result of organic growth and the acquisitions made in 2022: Cantina di Montalcino in March and Casa Vinicola Caldirola in May.

Exports, accounting for 61% of business, confirmed foreign markets’ strong interest in Italian premium wines, rewarding the Group’s strategy based on its diversified portfolio and ability to aggregate excellent regional wineries.

Of particular importance was the company’s foreign turnover, which rose from €14.3 million to €50.5 million, with the United States in first place thanks to the contribution made by the North American importer and distributor Votto Vines Importing, acquired in 2021.

Furthermore, Prosit Group sought both to consolidate its presence in the Ho.Re.Ca. channel and to expand its range of quality wines in the large-scale retail channel by offering a broad, qualitative portfolio of regional brands representing the territories they belong to in response to the growing consumer demand for quality and authenticity.

One of the short-term goals was completing the brand portfolio of premium wineries, whose quality is based on the optimal location and management of the vineyards, not to mention great expertise in wines.

Press Office

Homina Comunicazione & Public Relations
Roberta Marchetti, mob. 335 7631588,
Francesco Zanardo, mob. 331 6667552,

Prosit Group Head of Marketing

Luca Maruffa,

Prosit Group

Founded in 2018, Prosit Group was created to take on the challenges faced by Italian wine in an increasingly competitive global market by employing an innovative business model. The company is working to develop strong, recognisable and regional brands by emphasising the uniqueness of individual wineries within a pairing of Wine and Country with a premium positioning.

With its unique business model, the company has strengthened the aggregation of several traditional Italian wineries in Veneto, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Apulia and Lombardy to better face an increasingly competitive international landscape.

The portfolio currently includes the following brands: Cantina di Montalcino (Tuscany), Torrevento (Apulia), Nestore Bosco (Abruzzo), Tenuta di Collalbrigo (Veneto), as well as the historic La Cacciatora Di Casa Vinicola Caldirola brand.